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  1. Hace 4 días · Durante mucho tiempo, los chistes de Chuck Norris eran el pan de cada día. Inclusive, programas como El Hormiguero copiaron la idea, pero a través del hombre de negro. Sea como fuere, no era lo mismo, ya que el intérprete de Walker, Ranger de Texas era simplemente una leyenda capaz de romper barreras culturales hasta el punto de convertirse en un icono de la cultura pop en decenas de ...

  2. Hace 1 día · The essential actor Chuck Norris is here; honor today in this article. Our dear Walker is a true Internet star, even a God, as proven by the famous Chuck Norris Facts which abound on the web, and to pay tribute to him,we are going to rediscover together the best Chuck Norrisjokes. And I might as well […]

  3. Hace 6 días · Silent Rage was written by Joeseph Fraley with uncredited work by Edward Di Lorenzo. Fraley only has the screenplay for his credits but did contribute the story to a previous Chuck Norris feature ...

  4. Hace 6 horas · Añade tus comentarios. Chiste el cura en el portal de humor, entretenimiento y cultura más original.

  5. I remember watching that movie years ago and the only scene I remember is that one. He said something like “I once got bit by a rattlesnake and after several agonizing hours, the snake died”. It was a simpler, better time. I was obsessed with these in high school. Fucking brilliant xD.

  6. Hace 5 días · Über diese 21 Chuck Norris Witze rund um den Familienkosmos lachen wir in der familie-Redaktion am meisten. Natalie Köhler, Feiern, Geschenk-Ideen, Kindergeburtstage, Witze, Sprüche. Anzeige. Chuck Norris hat es mit seiner schlagkräftigen Art sogar zu einer eigenen Witze-Kategorie geschafft! Das sind unsere Favoriten.

  7. Hace 1 día · Chuck Norris dice 😁😁 😁 #perte #maveramente #salutementale #lecosechenonsai #tisbloccounricordo #foryou #videodivertenti #risate #memeitalia #meme #ignoran...