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  1. Gabriel Charles Dante Rossetti, né le à Londres et mort le à Birchington-on-Sea ( Kent ), est un peintre, poète, traducteur et écrivain britannique. Il fonde le préraphaélisme en 1848 avec William Holman Hunt et John Everett Millais et est, plus tard, l'inspiration principale d'une seconde génération d’artistes et écrivains ...

  2. Astarté Syriaca, de Dante Gabriel Rossetti. El pintor inglés fue uno de los fundadores de La Hermandad Prerrafaelita, grupo que se oponía a los modelos estereotipados de la época. Una de sus musas y amantes fue Jane Burden, quien representa a Astarté. Dante Gabriel Rosetti nació en Londres el 12 de mayo de 1828 en el seno de una familia ...

  3. Dante Gabriel Rossetti was born in London, England, in May of 1828. He was part of an extraordinarily creative family. He formed the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood alongside John Everett Millais. From 1847 to 1848, Rossetti wrote some of his best-known poems, including ‘ The Blessed Damozel .’. He died from blood poisoning in April of 1882.

  4. Dante Gabriel Rossetti ( / ˈdænti ˈɡeɪbriəl rəˈzɛti /; [1] 12 tháng 5 năm 1828 – 9 tháng 4 năm 1882) – nhà thơ, dịch giả, họa sĩ Anh gốc Ý, một trong những người sáng lập trào lưu Tiền Raphael (Pre-Raphaelites) nổi tiếng trong hội họa và thi ca Anh nửa cuối thế kỷ XIX .

  5. Gabriel Charles Dante Rossetti, generally known as Dante Gabriel Rossetti, was an English poet, illustrator, painter, and translator, and member of the Rossetti family. He founded the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood in 1848 with William Holman Hunt and John Everett Millais.

  6. 26 de oct. de 2015 · Técnica: Óleo (72 x 42 cm.) Escrito por: Miguel Calvo Santos. Dante Gabriel Rossetti, inglés con nombre italiano, romántico empedernido, drogadicto, desequilibrado mental, obsesionado por las pelirrojas y los wombats (!) y pintor que solo pintaba como se hacía antes de Rafael. Es por ello que el artista montó los pre-rafaelitas, una ...

  7. Gabriel Charles Dante Rossetti, who later changed the order of his names to stress his kinship with the great Italian poet, was born in London May 12, 1828, to Gabriele and Frances (Polidori) Rossetti. Mr. Rossetti was an Italian patriot exiled from Naples for his political activity and a Dante scholar who became professor of Italian at King's ...

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