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  1. 道威斯计划(DawesPlan)是道威斯委员会提出的解决德国赔款问题的报告。由于德国财力枯竭,加上战胜国争夺德国赔款的矛盾,德国按《凡尔赛和约》(巴黎和会)支付赔款问题成为20年代资本主义国际经济与政治中难以解决的纠纷。第一次世界大战结束后,协约国于1924年制定了该德国赔款支付计划。

  2. 19 de ene. de 2019 · The Dawes Plan of 1924 (devised by a banker from the United States called Charles G. Dawes) was an agreement between the Allies and Germany. The basic idea behind the plan was to make it easier for Germany to pay reparations and had two key parts. Reparations were reduced in the short term to 50 million pounds per year.

  3. No. 2] THE UNITED STATES AND THE DAWES PLAN present a plan for meeting the exigency if it were limited to the conditions existing under the Versailles Treaty, and the Bank-ers' Committee added that it would be possible for it to make a helpful report, if the Commission gave it leave to consider conditions other than those then existing.

  4. Der Dawes Plan wurde nach dem US-amerikanischen Bänker Charles Dawes benannt, welcher die Siegermächte des Ersten Weltkriegs überzeugte, einen realistischen Zahlungsplan zu verhandeln. Denn nach der Hyperinflation von 1923 benötigte es ein Konzept, um die Reparationszahlungen seitens der Weimarer Republik zu garantieren.

  5. El Plan Dawes ayudó a resolver muchos problemas en Europa. Era una solución temporal que permitía a Alemania cumplir las exigencias de los Aliados tras no pagar las repar aciones, pero seguía sin haber una fecha fija para ponerles fin. El Plan Dawes abordó la hiperinflación, las reparaciones y la ocupación del Ruhr.

  6. › wiki › DawesplanDawesplan - Wikipedia

    Dawesplan. Het Dawesplan uit 1924 (vernoemd naar het Dawescomité, onder voorzitterschap van Charles G. Dawes) was een poging van de geallieerden om oorlogsherstelbetalingen af te dwingen van Duitsland (op dat moment de Weimarrepubliek) nadat het land in de Eerste Wereldoorlog was verslagen. Toen na vijf jaar het plan niet naar verwachting ...

  7. Facts. Photo from the Nobel Foundation archive. Charles Gates Dawes The Nobel Peace Prize 1925. Born: 27 August 1865, Marietta, OH, USA. Died: 23 April 1951, Evanston, IL, USA. Residence at the time of the award: USA. Role: Vice-President of United States of America; Chairman of Allied Reparation Commission (Originator of Dawes Plan)