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  1. Dorothy Townshend, nacida Walpole (18 de septiembre de 1686-29 de marzo de 1726), fue una aristócrata inglesa. Biografía. Dorothy fue la decimotercera hija del político Robert Walpole y su esposa Mary Burwell, siendo uno de sus hermanos el destacado político Robert Walpole.

  2. According to legend, the "Brown Lady of Raynham Hall" is the ghost of Dorothy Walpole (1686–1726), the sister of Robert Walpole, generally regarded as the first Prime Minister of Great Britain. She was the second wife of Charles Townshend, 2nd Viscount Townshend, who was notorious for his violent temper.

  3. De acuerdo con la leyenda, la «dama marrón» era en realidad el fantasma de Dorothy Townshend (1686-1726), hermana del famoso político Robert Walpole. Dorothy era la segunda esposa de Charles Townshend , II vizconde Townshend, quien era conocido por su carácter violento.

  4. 9 de may. de 2012 · Este poderoso hombre, contrajo segundas nupcias con Dorothy Walpole, una hermosa mujer que le dio 7 hijos. Lady Dorothy Walpole retratada en el año 1715. Cuenta le leyenda que el trágico destino de Dorothy comenzó con una repentina viruela que oficialmente acabaría con su vida en 1726.

  5. 9 de jun. de 2023 · The enigmatic Brown Lady is believed to be Dorothy Walpole (1686-1726), the sister of Robert Walpole, who is often credited as the first Prime Minister of Great Britain. Due to her scandalous and tragic life, she is said to have become a restless spirit and her presence lingers on at Raynham Hall.

  6. Dorothy Townshend, Viscountess Townshend (née Walpole), was an English aristocrat, born on 18 September 1686 at Houghton Hall. She was the thirteenth child born to Robert Walpole and Mary Burwell. Sometime before 25 July 1713, she married Charles Townshend, 2nd Viscount Townshend, and became his second wife.

  7. 9 de ago. de 2021 · According to legend, The Brown Lady is the ghost of Lady Dorothy Townshend (née Walpole), sister of Britain’s generally considered First Prime Minister Sir Robert Walpole, member of the aristocratic Walpole family, and aunt of antiquarian and gothic revivalist Horace Walpole.