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  1. 10 de mar. de 2011 · Photograph By Tony Heald, Nature Picture Library. Animals. Reference. Hippopotamus. Common Name: Hippopotamus. Scientific Name: Hippopotamus amphibius. Type: Mammals. Diet: Herbivore. Group...

  2. 19 de abr. de 2024 · hippopotamus, (Hippopotamus amphibius), amphibious African ungulate mammal. Often considered to be the second largest land animal (after the elephant), the hippopotamus is comparable in size and weight to the white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) and the Indian rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis).

  3. › wiki › HippopotamusHippopotamus - Wikipedia

    Hippopotamus , Middle Kingdom of Egypt, c. 1961–1878 BC. Cut marks on bones of H. amphibius found at Bolomor Cave, a site in Spain preserving fossils dating from 230,000 to 120,000 years ago, provides evidence for Neanderthal butchery of hippopotamuses.

  4. 28 de nov. de 2015 · Tetrapod Zoology. A Quick History of Hippopotamuses. Hippos are represented today by just two species: the large, strongly amphibious Hippopotamus amphibius and the smaller, more terrestrial...

  5. H. a. amphibius - (la subespecie nominal) que se extendía desde Egipto, donde actualmente está extinta, sur del río Nilo a Tanzania y Mozambique. H. a. kiboko - en el Cuerno de África , Kenia y Somalia .

  6. Hip­popota­musi ( Hip­popota­mus am­phibius) are found ex­clu­sively in the Ethiopian re­gion of the world. Hip­pos occur in rivers through­out the sa­vanna of Africa and the main rivers of Cen­tral Africa.

  7. hippopotamus, Huge amphibious African mammal ( Hippopotamus amphibius ). Once found throughout sub-Saharan Africa, it is now restricted to parts of eastern and southeastern Africa. It has a barrel-shaped body, an enormous mouth, short legs, and four toes on each foot.

  8. Crecen hasta los 25 años. Este mamífero es el tercero más enorme de los animales terrestres y posee una gran cabeza y dejan de crecer hasta los 25 años. Los machos llegan a los 1800 kg. Los Hipopótamos machos tienen un peso aproximado que ronda los 1500 y 1800 kg. A diferencia de las hembras que pueden llegar a pesar 300 a 1500 kg. Extremidades.

  9. Hippopotamus, or hippo, is the common name for a very large, semi-aquatic African mammal, Hippopotamus amphibius, of the Hippopotamidae family of ungulates, characterized by a large, elongated head with an enormous mouth and teeth, a barrel-shaped body, short stumpy legs with four webbed toes, short tail, and nearly hairless thick skin.

  10. Mapa de distribución original o histórica de Hippopotamus amphibius. (Kingdon 1997). Distribución exótica de Hippopotamus amphibius (Hipopótamo) en México. Los puntos rojos muestran la ubicació n aproximada de cada una de las UMAs Extensivas que contienen a la especie, aunque no reflejan el tamaño ni la