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  1. › great-characters › lullyLully | Palace of Versailles

    Spotted in Italy, Jean-Baptiste Lully was introduced to the court of Louis XIV at a young age. He soon revealed his musical talents and became Master of the King’s Music in 1661. Although he was close to Molière for a time, the two fell out and Lully assumed sole control over dramatic music at the royal court. He became director of the Sun King’s Academy of Music, and he is considered the ...

  2. 장바티스트 륄리 ( 프랑스어: Jean-Baptiste Lully, 1632년 11월 28일 ~ 1687년 3월 22일 )는 이탈리아 에서 태어난 프랑스 작곡가 로, 본명은 조반니 바티스타 룰리 ( 이탈리아어: Giovanni Battista Lulli )이다. 륄리는 그의 일생 대부분을 프랑스의 루이 14세 를 위해 일했다. 14세 ...

  3. Alcestes, o El triunfo de Alcides (título original en francés, Alceste, ou Le Triomphe d'Alcide) es una tragédie en musique (tragedia lírica) en cinco actos, con un prólogo, con música de Jean-Baptiste Lully y libreto en francés de Philippe Quinault. Se basa en la Alcestis de Eurípides. La ópera fue estrenada el 19 de enero de 1674 en ...

  4. 22 de jul. de 2020 · Baroque Music of Jean-Baptiste Lully - Classical Music from the Baroque Period 1 of opera, ballet etc. movements of the ...

    • 135 min
    • 222.3K
    • Baroque Music Recordings
  5. Jean-Baptiste Lully (1632-1687) a laissé une oeuvre de plus de 120 compositions. Pour découvrir son répertoire, la question est : par quoi commencer ? Peut-être par ses compositions principales, les plus célèbres. Mais quelles sont alors les oeuvres les plus connues ou les plus importantes de Jean-Baptiste Lully ?

  6. 13 de may. de 2021 · There's something of a perverse pleasure in contemplating the life of Jean-Baptiste Lully, who composed this music in 1670. Lully's rags-to-riches story is amazing, working his way up from humble beginnings to be a confidant of the King of France at the height of the ancien régime. The music he created was sumptuous, bold, glorious and ...