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  1. 22 de may. de 2020 · Putranya, John Charles Martin Nash, lahir beberapa hari setelah itu tapi tetap tidak diberi nama hingga setahun setelah kelahirannya karena ibunya merasa Nash-lah yang berhak memberi nama pada putranya itu. Nash mulai menunjukkan tanda-tanda paranoid ketika istrinya menemukan Nash sedang berbicara pada sosok yang tidak ada.

  2. 28 de ago. de 2023 · 1) John Nash, noto matematico statunitense e premio Nobel per l’economia nel 1994, ha avuto un figlio affetto da schizofrenia. 2) Il figlio di John Nash, di nome John Charles Martin Nash, è stato diagnosticato con schizofrenia negli anni ’60 e ha lottato con la malattia per gran parte della sua vita.

  3. Jednak Nash i Lardé Lopez-Harrison powrócili w 2001 roku, kiedy geniusz matematyki znów stał się stabilny psychicznie. Pozostali razem aż do dnia śmierci. Ich związek małżeński przyniósł potomstwonazywał się John Charles Martin Nash, który urodził się 20 maja 1959 roku.

  4. Son fils légitime, John Charles Martin Nash n'obtient ni diplôme du collège, ni du lycée, il est diagnostiqué de schizophrénie paranoïde au milieu des années 1970 alors qu'il est encore adolescent. Il obtient néanmoins un doctorat en mathématicien à l'Université Rutgers en 1985 (26 ans). C'est un bon joueur d'échecs qui se classe ...

  5. 他們的兒子John Charles Martin Nash在之後就出生了,但在出生後一年仍然沒有取名字,是因 Alicia Nash ( 英語 : Alicia Nash ) 覺得他丈夫應該有取名字的發言權。納許和他的妻子在1963年離婚,在1970年納許出院,並住在de Lardé的家裡。

  6. 25 de may. de 2015 · In 1958, she became pregnant with John Charles Martin Nash. Then, in 1959, misfortune struck when Nash was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. The illness would transform him, his work and the community of his peers in the next 20 years far beyond putting a dent in his professional career – even as it exposed the superhuman commitments of those who stood by him.

  7. › wiki › Alicia_NashAlicia Nash - Wikipedia

    There she met her future husband, John Forbes Nash, Jr. Despite signs of Nash's mental illness which had emerged in the early 1950s, [5] [6] the couple married in 1957. She became pregnant with their son John Charles Martin Nash, [6] who was to develop schizophrenia, [4] in 1958; shortly before the birth in 1959, Nash was committed to McLean Hospital to receive psychiatric treatment for his ...