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  1. 约翰·韦恩·盖西 (英語: John Wayne Gacy ,1942年3月17日—1994年5月10日)是一名 美国 连环杀手 和 强奸 犯。. 他在1972年和1978年之间,至少 性侵 和 谋杀 了33名年齡由14岁至21歲的男孩及年轻男性。. 盖西先後將29名受害者埋在他家的供电管道空间,3名埋在他房产的 ...

  2. 19 de may. de 2022 · Born in 1966, Michael Gacy is one of two children fathered by John Wayne Gacy and has remained an elusive figure ever since his father's 1978 arrest for killing 33 young men and boys. YouTubeMarlynn Myers, with either Michael Gacy or Christine Gacy (accounts vary), and John Wayne Gacy in the late 1960s. One of John Wayne Gacy’s children ...

  3. Dentro de estos casos, podemos incluir a John Wayne Gacy, quien después de su detención a finales de los años 70, se convirtió en la inspiración de muchas historias de terror, así como menciones en programas de televisión, debido a su bizarro alter ego.

  4. John Wayne Gacy Jr. (n. 17 martie 1942, Chicago, Illinois, SUA – d. 10 mai 1994, Illinois, SUA ), cunoscut și sub numele de The Killer Clown (în traducere Clovnul Ucigaș) a fost un criminal în serie american. A fost condamnat și executat pentru violul și uciderea a 33 de băieți și adolescenți, între anii 1972 și 1978.

  5. 27 de oct. de 2022 · John Wayne Gacy, conocido como el 'Payaso asesino', secuestró, violó y asesinó a un total de 33 adolescentes que luego enterró en el sótano de su casa en los años 1977 y 1978.

  6. Sobre John Wayne Gacy, conocido como ‘el payaso asesino’, se dice que violó y mató por lo menos a 33 jóvenes entre 1972 y 1978-un periodo similar al del protagonista de la primera entrega ...

  7. 26 de oct. de 2021 · Cook County Sheriff Thomas J. Dart announced Monday, Oct. 25, 2021, that Alexander has been identified as one of the six remaining unnamed victims of serial killer John Wayne Gacy. Alexander was killed by Gacy sometime between early 1976 and early 1977. He would have been 21 or 22 years old at the time of his murder.

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