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  1. Hace 5 días · La concesión respondió a la petición de Diego Maxixcatzin Tlilquiyahuatzin, luego que Hernán Cortés se aliara a su llegada al territorio de lo que hoy forma México de una alianza con los tlaxcaltecas en septiembre de 1519 para consolidar un ejército para la toma de Tenochtitlán; sin embargo, Xicotencatl, quien había pactado con los españoles fue asesinado por los mismos.

  2. Hace 5 días · February 3rd. A combined force of Tetzcoca warriors, Tlaxcalteca warriors, and Spanish conquistadors conduct a short campaign to the northern part of Lake Tetzcoco and then around it to the western part of the Valley of Mexico. Spanish accounts predictably styled this as a crucial part of Cortés’s plan to encircle Tenochtitlan and besiege it.

  3. Hace 5 días · What killed the Tenochtitlan? The fall of Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec Empire, was primarily caused by a combination of factors, including the Spanish conquistadores’ superior weaponry, the devastating smallpox outbreak, and the manipulation of local factions by Hernán Cortés.

  4. Hace 4 días · Un gran proyecto de investigación analizará unas 700 tumbas para averiguar cómo se produjo el mestizaje a partir de la llegada de los españoles

  5. Hace 2 días · Answer: He was killed by his own people. During Cortes' absence from Tenochtitlan de Alvarado and his men had slaughtered a number of Aztec nobles at a religious festival. The Aztecs had had enough and besieged the Spaniards who retreated to the royal palace where Montezuma was still in captivity.

  6. Hace 4 días · 1) Don Martin Nezahualtecolotl, the son of Motecuzhoma, born from an anonymous Texcocan princess. 2) Don Pedro de Moctezuma Tlacahuepantli, Miahuaxochtzin, the fruit of Motecuhzoma’s matrimonial union with Mihuaxochtzin, the daughter of the Tollan ruler Ixltlilcuechahuac, who was Motecuhzoma’s older half-brother.

  7. Hace 4 días · Many people claim that the Aztecs believed Cortés to be a god because of the moment he landed in their territory. In the Aztec calendar, 1519 equalled the year 1 Reed. This calendar name meant a huge amount to the Aztecs, who gave names to people and even gods according to key dates in their calendar, combined usually with nicknames or titles.

  1. Búsquedas relacionadas con llegada de cortes a tenochtitlan

    la llegada de cortés a tenochtitlan
    llegada de hernán cortés a tenochtitlan
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