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  1. Esta versión incluye diversas actualizaciones enfocadas a la curación para que los megasanadores de LoL (y sus objetos) se sometan a la justicia. Además, vamos a implementar algunos cambios a los dragones, el Dragón anciano, el Heraldo de la Grieta, varias runas y algunos hechizos de invocador.

    • Quimiotanque Turbo

      Un tirador de tu elección: Tristana, Caitlyn o Ezreal Una...

    • Alistar

      Always a mighty warrior with a fearsome reputation, Alistar...

    • Varus

      One of the ancient darkin, Varus was a deadly killer who...

    • Jarvan IV

      Prince Jarvan, scion of the Lightshield dynasty, is heir...

    • Challenges
    • Sion Bugfix Bundle
    • Other Bugfixes
    The “Challenges Are Here” introduction tooltip has been removed. We felt that you had been made sufficiently aware
    You can now change the order that your Challenge Tokens are displayed in. Open the Identity Customizer, select the token slot you wish to change, and select the token you want displayed there
    Fixed an exploit that allowed players to sharply turn the direction of Sion’s ultimate
    Fixed a bug where Sion’s basic attacks would sometimes automatically cancel while in combat
    Fixed a bug where Sion’s Q would prematurely end its charge if it was cast immediately after E
    Fixed a bug where W would not be castable immediately after completing a Q cast
    Fixed a bug where clone champions (e.g. Shaco, LeBlanc, Neeko) would not properly display Mythic and Ornn Mythic item borders in their clone’s inventory
    Fixed a bug where opponent summoner spell’s tooltips would display certain values as 0 if viewed before said champion is seen in game
    Fixed a bug where Yone could no longer return to his body after using his E - Soul Unbound while under effects like Camille’s R - Hextech Ultimatum or Mordekaiser’s R - Death Realm
    Fixed a bug where the visual effects of Yone’s third Q - Mortal Steelwould disappear earlier than intended
  2. 27 de jul. de 2022 · Resumen de los cambios del parche 12.14. El parche 12.14 de League of Legends llega cargado de cambios a campeones y ajustes en la curación para tratar de poner freno a "los megasanadores" y...

  3. 26 de jul. de 2022 · The full list of updates for League of Legends Patch 12.14, including changes to game modes, Clash, bug fixes, and more, can be found here.

  4. 20 de jul. de 2022 · LoL Patch 12.14 Release Date. The meta-shifting patch is currently on the PBE for testing. And one of the biggest patches of 2022, League of Legends patch 12.14, is scheduled to release on Wednesday, July 27, 2022. LoL Patch 12.14 release time and server maintenance: NA: 3:00 AM PT. EUW: 5:00 UK time. EUNE: 3:00 CET. LoL Patch 12.14 Notes.

  5. 26 de jul. de 2022 · League of Legends patch 12.14 is here, and Riot is promising it as their “last set of major changes sans Worlds balance”. Zeri is being nerfed (again), while Riot is aiming to shake up the...

  6. 19 de jul. de 2022 · Riot Games’ League of Legends balance team released a patch 12.14 preview on Twitter, which will nerf heals and shields across the board by hitting Enchanter Mythic items and early sustain runes and items. Other significant nerfs target reworked Sivir, and Yuumi, everyone’s favorite champion.