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  1. 6 January — More than 80,000 Jews held captive by the Nazis are freed in Budapest, Hungary, by Russian soldiers. 14 January — Eastern Germany is invaded by Russian troops. 18 January — 66,000 Jewish prisoners are evacuated from Auschwitz by the Nazis. 20 January — World War II: The Soviet Union occupies Warsaw.

  2. Art of Nazi Germany was characterized by a style of Romantic realism based on classical models. While banning modern styles as degenerate, the Nazis promoted paintings that were narrowly traditional in manner and that exalted the "blood and soil" values of racial purity, militarism, and obedience.

  3. Awards and decorations of Nazi Germany were military, political, and civilian decorations that were bestowed between 1923 and 1945, first by the Nazi Party and later the state of Nazi Germany . The first awards began in the 1920s, before the Nazis had come to national power in Germany, with the political decorations worn on Party uniforms ...

  4. Glossary of Nazi Germany. This is a list of words, terms, concepts and slogans of Nazi Germany used in the historiography covering the Nazi regime. Some words were coined by Adolf Hitler and other Nazi Party members. Other words and concepts were borrowed and appropriated, and other terms were already in use during the Weimar Republic.

  5. Nazism and the acts of Nazi Germany affected many countries, communities, and people before, during and after World War II.Nazi Germany's attempt to exterminate several groups viewed as subhuman by Nazi ideology was eventually stopped by the combined efforts of the wartime Allies headed by the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, and the United States.

  6. El nacionalsocialismo (en alemán: Nationalsozialismus ), comúnmente acortado a nazismo, fue la ideología de extrema derecha 1 2 3 del régimen que gobernó Alemania desde 1933 hasta 1945 con la llegada al poder del Partido Nacionalsocialista Obrero Alemán de Adolf Hitler (NSDAP). Hitler instituyó una dictadura, el autoproclamado Tercer Reich.

  7. Nazi Germany started a strong anti-tobacco movement [1] and led the first public anti- smoking campaign in modern history. [2] In 1940, German scientists found a link between smoking tobacco, and lung cancer. [3] Anti-tobacco movements grew in many countries from the beginning of the 20th century. But all these had little success.