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  1. 4 de abr. de 2024 · Disintegrating to Permanence: On the Life and Art of Alberto Giacometti. Observer takes a deep dive into the Swiss sculptor's lasting appeal. By Dian Parker • 04/04/24 11:52am. Alberto ...

  2. 6 de abr. de 2024 · The Giacometti Foundation, Paris is a private French institution recognized as being of public utility. Its purpose is the protection, diffusion and influence of the work of Alberto Giacometti. It is headed by Catherine Grenier, curator. It has the richest collection in the world of works by Alberto Giacometti. The Foundation designs and organizes exhibitions, seminars and conferences.

  3. 3 de abr. de 2024 · Med forfatter og debattør Moussa Mchangama og formidlingsinspektør Simone PedersenNetop nu kan du opleve den anmelderroste udstilling Alberto Giacometti – Hvad øjet ser. En udstilling, der stiller skarpt på den berømte schweiziske kunstner Alberto Giacometti og hans fascination af, hvad man ser, når man ser. Men hvad er det egentlig, vi ser – og ser vi nødvendigvis det samme? Dét ...

  4. 24 de mar. de 2024 · Alberto Giacometti / Ali Cherri ENVISAGEMENT Jan 23 — Mar 24, 2024 | Fondation Giacometti - Institut, Paris, France The exhibition "ENVISAGEMENT" will feature a dialogue between the works of Lebanese artist and video-maker Ali Cherri and those of Alberto Giacometti, one of the great masters of modern art.

  5. 5 de abr. de 2024 · Alberto Giacometti in his Parisian studio finishing a sculpture in 1950. Photo by Archivio Cameraphoto Epoche/Getty Images During one three-year period of creative output, Alberto Giacometti was able to fit every piece that he had made into six matchboxes, which he then carried in his pocket. Many of his plaster figures became so small they

  6. 2 de abr. de 2024 · Dos esculturas de Chillida LekuEneko Santiago Saracho Como suscriptor te ofrecemos la oportunidad de visitar Universo Maeght, una exposición que propone un diálogo entre las obras de Eduardo Chillida y algunos de los artistas con los que trabajó el histórico marchante Aimé Maeght junto a su esposa Marguerite. Participa en el concurso y recibe una… Continue reading Descubre la exposición...

  7. 29 de mar. de 2024 · En cuanto al hiperrealismo en la escultura, el artista de origen australiano Ron Mueck se encargó de redimensionar el estudio de los detalles anatómicos, por medio de obras a gran escala, y de este modo, permitir al espectador conectar, paradójicamente, con la falta de emotividad de los personajes. Con información de: Historia Arte!