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  1. Hi guys, I've been following the path of Advaita Vedanta since discovering the teachings of american spiritual teacher Robert Adams. He was a disciple of Sri Ramana Maharshi whom he met in 1947/1946, so he claimed.

  2. Robert Adams is the only globally acknowledged, revered Master in the United States of the ancient path of Advaita Vedanta, in the classic, pure origin in "All-Pervading Love". He teaches "The Heart of Advaita" In the pure, gently refined origin, vastly differing from contemporary interpretations available today.

  3. For more details about Robert’s teachings, visit his official website, The Robert Adams Infinity Institute. Also, additional information can be found on – a website maintained by a group of volunteers that are students & friends of Robert. They offer a page with various videos on or about Robert.

  4. Robert Adams Satsang Radio Player. On the Status Page you can see which recording is currently playing. There you can also find the URL and playlist files to configure your favorite player. Join the Satsang and listen to Robert Adams Advaita Satsang Radio 24/7 - no ads.

  5. 1 de oct. de 2023 · Robert Adams (21 gennaio 1928-2 marzo 1997) è stato un insegnante americano di Advaita Vedanta . In seguito Adams tenne un satsang con un piccolo gruppo di devoti in California , negli Stati Uniti. Sosteneva principalmente il percorso del jñāna yoga con un’enfasi sulla pratica dell’autoindagine .

  6. Video. This is a rare video recording of Robert Adams from July 19, 1992: Watch a rare video recording of Robert Adams Advaita Satsang.

  7. por Robert Adams. El silencio del Corazón es un texto sobre la iluminación interior en el que Robert Adams explica en qué consiste la toma de conciencia de Dios en forma de amor, compasión y perfección inmutables desde su experiencia directa y personal. Durante más de 30 años, empezando por el círculo de sus mas allegados, este amable ...