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  1. Hace 5 días · Oscar-winning actress Shirley MacLaine tells PEOPLE about her new book, 'The Wall of Life,' and the secret to her longevity.

  2. Hace 5 días · Ma ünnepli kilencvenedik születésnapját Shirley MacLaine amerikai színésznő, azon kevesek egyike, akit az Oscar-díj mellett Golden Globe-, BAFTA- és Emmy-díjjal is kitüntettek, s az egyetlen színésznő, aki két alkalommal is átvehette az Ezüst Medve-díjat.

  3. Hace 5 días · Related: Shirley MacLaine Is 'Feeling Good' as She Turns 90, Teases New Book About Her 'Wonderful Life' (Exclusive) MacLaine also keeps an attitude of gratitude when it comes to her outlook on life. The star shares that she's grateful "that I can keep working." But she's also counting her blessings in other parts of her life.

  4. Hace 5 días · Related: Shirley MacLaine Is 'Feeling Good' as She Turns 90, Teases New Book About Her 'Wonderful Life' (Exclusive) MacLaine also keeps an attitude of gratitude when it comes to her outlook on life. The star shares that she's grateful "that I can keep working." But she's also counting her blessings in other parts of her life.

  5. Hace 4 días · Shirley MacLaine is celebrating her birthday with a bang this year. The Oscar-winning actress hit a major milestone this week while ringing in her 90th birthday on Wednesday, April 24—and she ...

  6. Hace 5 días · Ameriška igralka Shirley MacLaine, netipična hollywoodska zvezdnica, znana po upodobitvah neobičajnih, samozavestnih in ekscentričnih žensk, je danes dopolnila 90 let. Igralka, ki je debitirala v Hitchcockovem filmu Težave s Harryjem leta 1955, je v dolgoletni karieri nastopila v več kot 50 filmih, za kar je bila večkrat nagrajena, tudi z oskarjem.