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  1. Firma. Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg ( Hohenfinow, 29 novembre 1856 – Hohenfinow, 1º gennaio 1921) è stato un politico tedesco . Ricoprì numerosi incarichi di prestigio e fu cancelliere del Reich ( 1909 - 1917 ). Fu un buon governante ma troppo succube ai voleri dell'imperatore Guglielmo II e con una scarsa fermezza nelle sue decisioni.

  2. The responsibility for the outbreak of World War I weighed heavily upon Imperial Germany's fifth Chancellor, Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg. “This war torments me,” he confessed to the Liberal Conrad Haussmann during the struggle. “Again and again I ask if it could have been avoided and what I should have done differently.”

  3. Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg 1856. november 29-én született Hohenfinowban egy bankár és földbirtokos család gyermekeként. Strassburgban , Lipcsében és Berlinben folytatott jogi tanulmányokat, majd köztisztviselőként helyezkedett el. 1905 -ben porosz belügyminiszternek, 1907 -ben pedig a Birodalmi Hivatal belügyi államtitkárának nevezték ki.

  4. Theobald Theodor Friedrich Alfred von Bethmann Hollweg ( Hohenfinow, Brandenburg, 29 november 1856 - Hohenfinow, 1 januari 1921) was een politicus in het Duitse Keizerrijk. Van 1909 tot 1917 diende hij als Rijkskanselier. Hij was van 1909 tot 1917 naast rijkskanselier ook Pruisisch minister-president en staatssecretaris van Buitenlandse Zaken.

  5. Theobald Theodor Friedrich Alfred von Bethmann Hollweg (n. 29 noiembrie 1856, Hohenfinow, Regatul Prusiei – d. 1 ianuarie 1921, Hohenfinow, Republica de la Weimar) a fost un politician german care a fost cancelar al Imperiului German între 1909 și 1917. Administrația sa a decis intrarea Germaniei în Primul Război Mondial și a jucat un ...

  6. Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg Některá data mohou pocházet z datové položky . Theobald Theodor Friedrich Alfred von Bethmann Hollweg ( 29. listopadu 1856 – 1. ledna 1921 ) byl německý politik, který vykonával funkci německého kancléře v letech 1909 až 1917.

  7. the enigma of Bethmann's aims in the July crisis.11 Grandson of Bismarck's liberal opponent Moritz August von Bethmann Hollweg and younger son of the gentleman farmer Felix, Theobald was born in 1856 on the family estate of Hohenfinow, barely two hours from Berlin.12 Raised more freely than a typical Junker, he was tutored at home and sent to