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  1. Welcome to the University of Zurich! We are home to students and staff from over 120 countries. Find out more about our diverse and inspiring learning, research and working environment. Study at UZH. Enhance your career prospects with a BA-, MA-, or PhD degree from UZH. Visits & Exchange at UZH.

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      Cotutelle de thèse refers to a doctorate in which doctoral...

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      UZH is Switzerland’s largest and best-ranked comprehensive...

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      Visa, Entry and Residence Permit Visa, Entry and Residence...

  2. Université Paris Cité offers international joint programmes at the undergraduate and graduate levels as well as programmes taught in english. Find your programme.

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  3. With around 2,800 students and 650 teaching staff, Zurich University of the Arts is one of the major universities of the arts in Europe. The study and research programme covers the areas of design, film, fine arts, music, dance, theatre, transdisciplinary studies, and the teaching of arts and design.

  4. Choosing Sorbonne University means joining a world-renowned higher education and research institution. By joining our community of 55,000 students and 360,000 alumni worldwide, you'll be giving your all to a rigorous academic program and receiving the best in multidisciplinary teaching. Browse our academic programs.

    • universidad de parís universidad de zúrich1
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  5. La Universidad de Zúrich (UZH, en alemán: Universität Zürich, en francés: Université de Zurich, en italiano: Università di Zurigo) ubicada en la ciudad de Zúrich, es la universidad más grande de Suiza, con más de 24 000 estudiantes.

  6. Estudiar en la Universidad de Zurich – Lo que debes saber. Además de la gran cantidad de programas educativos que ofrece la UZH, existen otros aspectos interesantes de la universidad que debes saber ¡Sigue leyendo! La UZH es, después de la Sorbona de París, la segunda universidad europea en admitir mujeres en los estudios.

  7. Escuelas de verano Descubrir; Estudiar en un post-doctorado en Francia; Matricularse en una escuela de verano; Venir a Francia con el estatus de profesor invitado; Organizar tu estancia. El visado "passeport talent-chercheur" Descubrir; Salud Descubrir; Check-list Descubrir; Dispositivos anfitriones y asociaciones de doctorandos