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  1. Con la denominazione di tory, nella vita politica e parlamentare dell'Inghilterra si distinse la corrente dei partigiani del re, della chiesa anglicana, delle tradizioni della proprietà fondiaria e del ceto rurale, in contrapposto con la corrente whig rappresentante la resistenza al sovrano, il principio di tolleranza religiosa, la città di Londra, le ambizioni e gl'interessi di carattere ...

  2. 22 de abr. de 2016 · The Whig and Tory parties played an important role in British politics in the decades following the Glorious Revolution. This article introduces new data on the political affiliation of all Members of Parliament in England and Wales between 1690 and 1747. The data have numerous applications for research.

  3. 19 de dic. de 2023 · The terms ‘Whig’ and ‘Tory’ originated with the Exclusion Crisis of 1679–1681. During the late Stuart period, through the Glorious Revolution of 1688 until the reigns of William III (1689–1702) and Anne (1702–1714), they marked a clear ideological division: the Whigs championed the sovereignty of Parliament and a Protestant succession to the throne, while Tories insisted on the ...

  4. 9 de mar. de 2023 · What was a Tory? The Tories were a fairly conservative political party that also developed in the 1680s, and had close to opposite political viewpoints of the Whig Party.

  5. Whig and Tory is a 1720 comedy play by the British writer and actor Benjamin Griffin. Griffin himself starred as Sir John Indolent with Mrs Gulick as Charlotte. [2] John Harper played Sir Roland Heartfree, Christopher Bullock was Ned Indolent, Lacy Ryan was Reynard and William Bullock was Coblecause.

  6. 15 de dic. de 2009 · Certain, primarily whig historians have shown a propensity to attribute special prescience to certain eighteenth-century politicians whom they regard as having contributed more substantially than others to the development of the ideal party system.

  7. ジェームズ2世の王位継承権をめぐって. トーリー党とホイッグ党は、17世紀の王政復古期( The Restoration )ーチャールズ2世の時代ーにうまれた政党です。. チャールズ2世亡き後、カトリックである弟ジェームズの王位継承を容認したのがトーリーで、反対し ...