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  1. 19 December 1667. An Act for settling Part of the Possessions of John late Earl of Clare, deceased, and enabling Gilbert Earl of Clare, his Son and Heir, to dispose of some other Part thereof, for Payment of Debts and Portions. Enabling Bishop of Durham to lease certain lead mines for three lives. 19 & 20 Cha.

  2. Hace 5 días · Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz [a] (1 July 1646 [ O.S. 21 June] – 14 November 1716) was a German polymath active as a mathematician, philosopher, scientist and diplomat who invented calculus in addition to many other branches of mathematics and statistics.

    • Bartholomäus Leonhard von Schwendendörffer [de] (Dr. jur. thesis advisor)
  3. Hace 2 días · The Norman dynasty, established by William the Conqueror, ruled England for over half a century before the period of succession crisis known as the Anarchy (1135–1154). Following the Anarchy, England came under the rule of the House of Plantagenet, a dynasty which later inherited claims to the Kingdom of France.

  4. Hace 5 días · The Jungle Book is a 1967 American animated musical comedy film produced by Walt Disney Productions and released by Buena Vista Distribution. Based very loosely on the "Mowgli" stories from Rudyard Kipling 's 1894 book of the same title, it is the final animated feature film to be produced by Walt Disney, who died during its production.

  5. Hace 5 días · Гетьма́нщина (також Ві́йсько Запорізьке, в офіційній канцелярії — Україна, Русь ) — українська козацька держава [8] [9] [10] [11] [12], яка виникла на теренах України [a] внаслідок найбільшого козацького повстання в Речі Посполитій — Хмельниччини .

  6. Hace 3 horas · Sistema de disputa Se mantiene el formato de la temporada anterior, iniciando la temporada con el Torneo Competencia: un torneo a una rueda dividido en dos series de 7 equipos, en las cuales los ganadores de cada serie se clasifican a la final. El campeón se asegura un cupo en los play-offs por el tercer ascenso a la Primera División , salvo que al culminar la temporada haya finalizado en ...

  7. Hace 3 días · Sito web. Siena - Opera della Metropolitana. Modifica dati su Wikidata · Manuale. Il duomo di Siena, ufficialmente cattedrale metropolitana di Santa Maria Assunta, è il principale luogo di culto cattolico di Siena, in Toscana, sede episcopale dell' arcidiocesi metropolitana di Siena-Colle di Val d'Elsa-Montalcino; l'edificio è situato nell ...