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  1. Sir Robert Gordon Menzies né le 20 décembre 1894 à Jeparit ( Colonie du Victoria) et mort le 15 mai 1978 à Melbourne ( Victoria ), est un homme d'État australien qui fut le douzième Premier ministre d'Australie et reste encore celui qui occupa le plus longtemps ce poste : dix-huit ans et demi. Il arriva jeune à ce poste mais y connut un ...

  2. Robert Gordon Menzies (Jeparit, 1894 - Melbourne, 1978) Político australiano, primer ministro de Australia entre 1939 y 1941 y entre 1949 y 1966. Robert Menzies estudió derecho en la Universidad de Melbourne, en donde destacó por sus brillantes cualidades, que hacían presagiar en él un abogado de prestigio; sin embargo, prefirió involucrarse directamente en el mundo de la política.

  3. Robert Menzies. Sir Robert Gordon Menzies, KT, AK, CH, QC ( 20 tháng 12 năm 1894 – 15 tháng 5 năm 1978 ), là một nhà chính trị Úc, và là Thủ tướng Úc thứ 12. Nhiệm kỳ thứ hai của ông chứng kiến việc ông trở thành vị thủ tướng phục vụ liên tục lâu nhât của Australia với thời gian ...

  4. Robert Menzies. Sir Robert Gordon Menzies (20 Desember 1894 – 14 Mei 1978) adalah Perdana Menteri Australia yang ke-12. Ia menjadi PM untuk keseluruhan masa jabatan 18,5 tahun yang menjadikannya terpanjang dalam sejarah Australia. Setelah kematian Joseph Aloysius Lyons, ass penisia diangkat sebagai pimpinan Partai Australia Bersatu dan ...

  5. Menzies in his time: Robert Gordon Menzies 1894-1978 Australian statesman "The years spanned by Menzies' lifetime had taken civilization from horseless carriages to freeways; from the Wright brothers to a jet that could cross the world in a day; instant telecommunication, bringing an isolated Australia into the 'global village'; wars that drew the nations together; the nuclear bomb; and a ...

  6. 9. Robert Menzies was the fourth of five children born to Kate and James Menzies; he had two elder brothers, an elder sister, and a younger brother. 10. Robert Menzies was the first Australian prime minister to have two Australian-born parents: his father was born in Ballarat and his mother in Creswick. 11.

  7. An engaging public speaker and ‘consummate parliamentarian’, 1 with an uncanny knack for electioneering, 2 Robert Menzies (1894-1978) is Australia’s longest serving Prime Minister, encompassing 18 years and eight election victories. His political career spanned Australia’s journey from depression and war to booming prosperity. 3.